Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Spotlight: MAC Paint Pots

One of the secrets to great, long-lasting eyeshadow is a base, which can be many different things, depending on the makeup line you use, but that acts as a sturdy foundation or canvas for your creativity. Bases are usually a cream-to-powder formula, and probably the best base I have used so far is MAC's Paint Pots. 

These paints come in a variety of colors, from nude, fleshy colors, to colors that, when worn underneath your makeup, can actually make the colors more vibrant and fresh. I took a photo of my favorite paint pot, "Painterly", that I bought 8 months ago:

So 8 months have gone by, with me using this product almost every single day, and I'm still not out, in fact, I've got plenty to go. Here it is, compared to a brand new "Painterly":

It's quite amazing how long this product lasts! At $16.50 each, you may be tempted to buy a whole array of colors, as they are really useful and convenient to have on hand! I've got 8 of these bad boys and I can't wait to get more!

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